Revolting Podcast 3

What’s Wrong with Cycling? Stevil and Robot wonder why cyclists insist on siloing themselves and how cycling turned into a middle-class white person thing, at least as far as the industry is concerned. They talk about the “dirtbag” demographic, how it lives alongside (or under) the rest of the industry, and consider some of the demographics who are riding bikes, but not appearing in media and/or marketing materials. As usual, they solve no problems and struggle to stay on topic.

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  1. dr sweets says

    It’s always hard to see what happens due to one’s actions and few get to see the long term results in their lifetime. Your efforts here will resonate around the globe just as your efforts leading up to now have. That sounds rather douchey, but for example on a small scale I’ve learned and laughed a great deal from years of AHTBM consumption. Keep it up you non-joining kooks.

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