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TCI Friday

Looking through a contact sheet of photos from a bike race, something was missing. The young photographer had a pretty good eye for location, finding decent background. He

TCI Friday

Years and years and even more years have passed since I’ve heard Rod Stewart crooning about Maggie May, but that’s the kind of things that happen on a good old fashion summer

TCI Friday

Believe it or not, Darrell Waltrip bestowed upon me the most insightful tidbit I ever heard from a sportscaster when he remarked about a rookie one Sunday afternoon with

TCI Friday

An hour into a remote mountain bike trail ride, where you might cross paths with a half dozen riders in three hours, I pull to the side halfway up a short steep section and

TCI Friday

Crunching my way up the final incline to the stunning view atop Cinder Hill the gravity of my situation literally became obvious. My Golden Lab Summer and I kicked off our

TCI Friday

Another fantastic sun-soaked summer ride to San Clemente and back neared its conclusion as I rolled along the beach in Oceanside, the weekend traffic crawling along just a

TCI Friday

To paraphrase Toby Keith, I ain’t as fast as I once was, but I’m as fast once as I ever was. Especially when a dog pops out of nowhere in hot pursuit. I’m not talking

The Crystal Ball

The future is a funny thing. It comes whether we want it to or not. It brings things like our first bike, college graduation, sometimes marriage and kids. It also brings…

TCI Friday

It all began, my seemingly endless affair with cycling, with one ride. Living two blocks from the beach in SoCal, I decided cycling would be my go-to fitness fix

TCI Friday

As the years roll past faster and faster, my eating habits have taken some dramatic changes. These days I wake up, have a cup of decaf coffee and head to my substitute

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