I share a lot of videos here, and a lot of them showcase bike riding at the sharpest point of skill, speed or location. This one is just nice. It’s about people riding bikes for practical purposes who discover how rewarding that can be. It’s about a local bike shop. It’s about the deep commitment of the people who ride everyday no matter what. I often say that I think bike commuters are some of the toughest riders out there, and this just reinforces that idea. Also, Idaho looks pretty.

Robot fell in love with cycling watching the older neighborhood kids ride wheelies down the street. It was the early '70s, and Evel Knievel was jumping motorcycles over buses. Everything seemed possible. From that moment, the die was cast (iacta alia est).
He studied philosophy in college, of course he did. That's what idealists do, romantics, kids who think there must be a better way. At the same time, bikes were carrying him everywhere, delivering all of life's gifts and surprises. Occasionally he crashed and didn't mind.
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Commuting is great even if you don’t do it every day.
Nice to see something not about watts, speed or gnarliness. Just riding bikes.