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Paceline Podcast 235

This week Patria takes a look at what makes for a good rider, and what constitutes good ride leadership. This is a great time to look at this as we all prepare

TCI Friday

Regular readers might be shocked to find out that I am very regularly asked for my advice, vis a vis, cycling products. To say that my opinions don't

Paceline Podcast 180

It's the time of the year for planning the next season and Selene has been marking up her calendar with her schedule. She shares where she's headed, along with…

The Paceline 156

Selene isn't ready. In a good quarter of a century she says she's not quite ready for this coming weekend's race. Yeah, we had the same reaction. After all, if…

The Paceline Podcast 142

This week Selene veers into gymnastics. Don't worry, she's got a good reason. Perhaps you've seen the video of UCLA gymnast Katelyn Ohashi's perfect-10…

Paceline Podcast 139

Winter is here, huh? Selene takes on some of the challenges of winter riding, lot least of which is staying warm on rides. She talks skin care, cloverleaf…

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