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What if you weren't trying to win a race? What if being on the front wasn't part of the plan? A large part of life seems to be doing what's expected of us. We get

Leaf Math

I mark the autumn by falling off my bike more. There is a cruelty to the season, as the heat of summer finally relents and makes all that pedaling easier, but suddenly leaves

storage space?

Storage Space - we all need more. Or, want more. I guess if we were runners, that might be another drawer in the bedroom, but alas we are cyclists. Most of us probably have

The Physics of It

You are presumably at least some manner of rider of a bicycle if you are reading this publication. I’ve been riding bikes since the Triassic. All kinds. The flowered banana


What do you wear on the bike? The ‘uniform’ is Lycra shorts and a jersey. Some wear baggy pants. Some wear performance t-shirts or no shirt at all. Some wear very little. The

Darwin’s Bicycle

Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published in 1859. Across the English Channel, Pierre Michaux and Pierre Lallement were inventing what we think of today as the bicycle.

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