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Adventure Journal: A Trip From Bottom to Top
The experience of leafing through a magazine printed on high-quality stock and soaking in full-page, color photos paired with a richly told story is one of the sublime!-->…
TCI Friday – Trail Etiquette
Out on a mountain bike trail in the middle of the woods, the peaceful calming elements of nature draw me into another world, where my senses appear to be on overdrive soaking!-->…
TCI Friday
The song "With a Little Help from My Friends" is a horrible earworm, and I kinda never want to hear it again, even though it expresses one of the great truisms of being a!-->…
Early Adopter? Retrogrouch?
Technology. I love it! I hate it!
I have been called a retro grouch as well as a spokehead. I have been told I have all the new stuff and that I am resistant to any new!-->!-->!-->…
TCI Friday
Nearly every bike you see in a bike shop or on a website has been spec'd by a product manager, a person who takes the frame the company produces and decides what parts should!-->…
A Useful Review – The Ocean and San All Day Shirt
A cool company that came to my attention this winter, called Ocean and San. For cyclists on the West Side of LA, that phrase is an abbreviation for the intersection of!-->!-->!-->…
TCI Friday
We ride bikes for fun. Right? Wait. Is that right? No. We ride our bikes for transportation. Yeah. OK. Can transportation also be fun though? I suppose, if done right. It's!-->…
TCI Friday
The vast majority of cycling injuries are RUIs, repetitive use injuries, things like IT Band Friction Syndrome, Handlebar Hand, and QL (quadratus lumborum) strain. Most of!-->…
Robot’s Useless Reviews – How-To Videos II
Roughly eighteen months ago I published my first Usless ReviewTM of How-To Videos. In re-reading I cringe a little, as I nearly always do when I revisit my work, but also!-->…
TCI Friday
You're kind of a weirdo, and that makes the whole thing kinda a crapshoot. You board your plane. You eat your airline snack. You watch a movie you'd meaning to see. You land,!-->…