The Beater Bike

My gateway into adult cycling was a Trek Antelope 800 I bought my sophomore year in college. This was nominally an entry level mountain bike, but I used it exclusively as an

Revolting 85

The Top Five Ricks. This episode is about Rick Froberg. He was the best Rick. We’ll talk about who some of the other really good Ricks are or were, but really today we’re

TCI Friday

The Tour de France is as much a parade of chaos as it is a bike race, a testament to the P.T. Barnum maxim, "Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd." And this year's version was

Revolting 84

It Rubs Us the Wrong Way. We have some nice, expensive bike stuff and we have some cheap, functional bike stuff. It seems like no matter how carefully we curate our


Tires susurrating against fresh pavement, crunching through real gravel, crackling through dead leaves. The wah-wah-wah of a knobby on asphalt. The whiz and whirl of the

A Thought Experiment

What if there were no cars? What if we'd invented the internal combustion engine, but then realized that it spewed too much toxic bullshit to put into regular use? What if

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