The Paceline Podcast #50

One of the first interviews on The Paceline was with Velofix. The mobile bike shop company was just getting started. In matter of months, Velofix and the concept of roaming bike repair facilities has taken off. We have the latest on the expansion.

It’s great when kids step away from the gaming and texting and internetting, but an exercise bike for kids? A major toy maker has come up with a way for the little ones to spin without leaving the safety and security of home.

Fatty is trying to decide whether he needs to cut back on food or data or both. We have an update on Fatty’s weight loss challenge and we hear rumblings of what could be called a “data diet” in his future.

Judge Padraig is getting his score sheet prepared for another edition of the North American Handmade Bicycle Show. We check in with the show’s chief, Don Walker.

The Paceline is supported by: Health IQ. The people at Health IQ believe in cyclists and believe that healthy people should be rewarded with lower life insurance rates. Check them out here.



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