Guests: John Stamstad; Steve Maxwell & Spencer Martin; book review with Gary Mikitin
We have two great guests today as well as a splendid book review of Dr. Stephen Fabes, Signs of Life.

My first guest is a mountain bike hall of famer, he holds long-distance records, and recently an Amazon Prime video –Into the Divide – was released commemorating his ride from Canada to Mexico 21 years ago. Billed as Man vs man, man vs nature, and man vs self, rode the 2465 mile bike trail – because he loves pushing the extremes.
In fact, If it’s the longest, the most arduous, and, the most challenging – John Stamstad either has done it or wants to do it! And, with humility! He just doesn’t see how remarkable his feats of distance really are!
Once again, we check in with our friends at The Outer Line – Steve Maxwell and Spencer Martin.
In this new era of COVID and with a compressed and shortened racing season underway, we discuss whether the riders need a union, what sponsors are feeling and doing, and what might bring new life to bike racing – especially in the U.S.

Finally, Gary Mikitin is back with his review of emergency physician, Dr. Stepehn Fabes’, new book, Signs of Life. Dr. Fabes travelled more than 53,000 miles, crossing 102 international borders by bicycle discovering how societies treat their most vulnerable in a thought provoking and witty medical odyssey.