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The Goldilocks Zone

I’m just back from Seattle, which is having a proper winter, by any measure. The nights are below freezing, there’s frost in the shade even into the afternoon,

Critical Decision

Seasons. People speak of ‘loving the changing of the seasons. Hmmm. I am always sad to see the warmth depart and the cold arrive, but it is part of life, so I

TCI Friday

We talked about this on the Paceline last week, but I want to bring it to you today for your input. The topic is mud season etiquette, and I bring it up for

TCI Friday

These are the hard months, January and February. The light slowly creeps back into the days, but it's persistently cold and snow and ice are not the best

Winter Moths

This piece appeared on Red Kite Prayer in 2010. I was reminded of it by a moth clung to the side of the house the other day, and when I found the piece and

Ask Stevil

Every month or so, we collect the questions submitted to our friend Stevil and present them to him for his oracular pronouncements. And pronounce he does.

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