Letter from the Editors

Hello Friends, Just us, checking in from the end of summer (unless you're one of our Southern Hemisphere readers...we're not trying to be hemispherist). It's been a busy

TCI Friday

As I'm sure you're aware, there are only so many hours in the day. So, when Padraig and I set aside some time for editorial planning and brainstorming, one thing we come up

Answers from a Bottle

Here we are with another installment of your favorite and most useful advice column. Stevil, is the UCI going to ruin gravel racing like they've ruined everything

Answers From A Bottle

Dear Stevil, I want to get a new tattoo but my wife thinks I have enough already. How would you sell her on the idea? Or, would you just do it and ask for forgiveness

Coming Attractions

I'm back from my first no-kid, no-editorial vacation I've had since 2008. I needed an opportunity to clear my head and give some deep thought to what we are doing here at

Answers From A Bottle

Hi Stevil, I have two questions I was hoping you could help me with. Lately when I go for rides the bottoms of my feet get really hot, like they feel like they

Answers From A Bottle

Dear Mighty Wizard, With Wizard Staffs Across The Universe coming up soon, do you have any advice for a newbie trying to reach wizard status? Are you the wisest wizard of

TCI Friday

I was talking with Stevil about a possible future project. We don't really know each other, so we were just trying to see if we had enough common mental ground to "work"

Answers From A Bottle

Hey Stevil. How does one find their place in the cycling world as a weirdo and a misfit? Asking for a friend. Also, what does Joe Parkin's hair smell like? --Donal

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