Video – Mad River Valley, VT

I have the sense that, if you know where you’re going, just about everywhere is a great place to ride mountain bikes. This series from Pearl Izumi happens to highlight many of the spots in New England, where I live, spots that get little play in the larger cycling media, which seems to believe that only British Columbia or the Dolomites are worth featuring.

The Mad River Valley is where I ski, and where I have ridden some of the coolest descents in this plucky little region I live in. It’s a happening spot, and because I love it and because I love you, I’m introducing you. I’m sure you’ll be great friends.

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  1. albanybenn says

    VMBA is a great organization. Tons of little trail networks all through the state. My local network is Slate Valley Trails centered around Poultney. It’s good to see pickups with MTBs parked along main street every weekend.

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