Video – Josh Lewis Orange Section

The riding in this video is dumb, and that’s why I love it. For the most part, the mountain bike short edit form is dead. Brandon Semenuk killed it. And now we’re just seeing pale imitations, all freewheels whirring, mud flying, drones droning.

But show me someone having fun. Falling off. Trying things that don’t make sense. That’s what I want to see. If it ain’t fun, don’t film it.

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  1. bart says

    I feel myself turning into someone who watches mountain biking videos on YouTube. I can’t believe what is happening to me…

    Robot, its all your fault. Thank you.

  2. bart says

    I should add that I do like seeing the failures. Seeing those helps me understand how they figure out the tricks. Otherwise, it seems like they just ride up to it and do it the first time which doesn’t help me learn and makes it seem impossible.

  3. Balky says

    Arrrrgh, the ear worm! Kate Bush. It’s been going for hours. Oh god just make it stop……

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