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Paceline Podcast 404

Tariffs have been in the news a bunch of late. They have made a substantial impact on the bike biz in the last year. John takes a look at what that is already


Last fall I returned to Memphis to look after my mom following surgery to repair her tricuspid heart valve. Aging, I can say, is not for the faint of heart.

The Protected Heart

A cold wind blew off the Hudson River and into our faces. Even as I buried myself within the pack of 80 or so riders, I could feel the damp air move through

Paceline Podcast 249

A new shop has opened up near John, and he's hopeful that they can make a go of it. His question is why it's so hard to pay and keep good mechanics and why


What was the day like when we discovered we loved cycling? I'll bet a hundy yours was like mine. A warm breeze blew, the sun shone in perfection, and as the

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