Revolting 7 Podcast

The guys delve into mental health struggles, their own experiences, and how the bike works as a therapeutic tool. They touch on heartbreak, depression, anxiety, substance abuse and much more. This is a far ranging discussion we all need to be having with friends, families and even strangers. It’s ok not to be ok.

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  1. johnrom719 says

    Hi Guys, great show today. I shared it with someone I love who may find something in it to help him. Horns and hats!

    But I can’t figure out the Brady Bunch art accompanying this post?!?

    1. Emlyn Lewis says

      @Johnrom719 – Marcia and Jan have no direct connection to the topic of mental health, although I think there’s a pretty rich neurotic vein that runs through their relationship. I’ve been illustrating the Revolting posts with photos of duos from the past, because I like to think of Stevil and I as a classic duo. Each week I pick a photo, and then I wonder which one is me and which one is him. It amuses me.

    2. Padraig says

      @johnrom719 thanks for asking that. I’ve been wondering what the hell he was up to as well with those images, but I was too amused by them to risk breaking the spell by asking him the source of his sorcery.

  2. johnrom719 says

    Ah, makes sense, Robot. I especially like Ernie and Bert. BTW, this week, you’re definitely the blonde!

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