Revolting 143

The Motivation is the Message. Marshall McLuhan, who was Canadian and had a great name, thought the “medium was the message,” but it was the ‘60s, and apparently he also thought a mustache was a solid move. Anyway, since then media has exploded into a million little messages, and it seems more clear than ever that actually, the motivation is the message.

Music pick of the week:

Robot – Electric Wizard – Dopethrone

Stevil – The Sword – Warp Riders

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  1. dr sweets says

    Betrayal!!! Bucket Hats, WTF?!? Robot it was YOU that turned me onto these schpants (I don’t care for the swoosh they’ve added, but whatever) which I wear all the damn time. Now you say you’d rather deal with indignity of a bucket hat over these? Also, Stevil’s shorts are 95% capris already. Can I believe anything you say ever again?!?

    Now my hurt feels aside, I’ve worn “longer” shorts often over the knee since high school. They were called jams back in the olden days. Surf wear companies started selling these in the mid to late 80’s, but we simply would go to thrift stores to score used dress pants and cut them off ourselves.

    1. Emlyn Lewis says

      Doc, your comment makes me happy on a number of levels. To answer more specifically, you should not believe anything Stevil and I say on the podcast. Ever. The moose out front should have told ya. Also, if you have no feelings, they can’t get hurt. Also, also, I had Jams and loved them. Each of us is a gargoyle in god’s perfect world.

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