Revolting 129

Emerging Patterns from the Swirling Chaos.  Ain’t it just the case that you reach these points in your life where you think you have some things figured out, you can see the way forward, and you feel hopeful and optimistic, but as sure as the sign rises in the East, chaos comes to scatter your sanity to the wind. We’ve both been having a bit of a time lately, and here’s how we’re dealing with it.

Music pick of the week:

Robot – Mclusky – Mcluskyism

Stevil – Shellac of North America To All Trains

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  1. Mike P in Florida says

    Love the podcast! robot had Mclusky for his music pick. if you havent you should check out Falcos follow up band after Mclusky called Future of the Left. its a little different but freaking awesome. again i really love what y’all are doing.

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