Revolting 115

The Year Punk Rock Went Broke. I don’t know what happened, but it was probably Green Day’s fault. Everyone went from making fun of us for listening to weird music to elbowing us out of the way, so they could buy Red Hot Chili Pepper’s t-shirts at Target. We went from saying this music should be more popular to wishing it really wasn’t so popular. At least we still have Jesus Lizard.

Robot – Bitch Magnet – Ben Hur

Stevil – Rocket From the Crypt – Circa Now!

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  1. dr sweets says

    Music and art in general will be great whether one person gets excited about it or a billion. I had a Nirvana sticker on my Horizon hatchback in ’90. I thought “Bleach” was great and everything around it and thereafter was also great. Their output still sounds great today and likely always will. I don’t give AF if millions others love them or that you can go down to Target to buy a Nirvana t-shirt. I have always had bands and things I liked and never cared whether anyone thought they were cool or not. I was not necessarily liking things just to push buttons so to speak, even if that occurred sometimes. I just found my own way from when I was little and never looked back. I am not sure if I had a peak punk rock phase. That might be right now; I don’t know nor do I give AF (How you like dat punk rock ‘tude?). Maybe it is more of an outlook than any particular band, art, clothes or hairstyle. I am sticking with that. Old punks never die, they just smell that way.

  2. trabri says

    I shaved my taste buds off a couple of times when I was young when I pulled my tongue off of a frozen pole!

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