Revolting 110

I Got My Ascot in My Dickie. You would never know it from looking at either one of us, but we care what we wear, and since humans are supposed to wear clothes most of the time, today we’re talking about fashion, which some denigrate as a vapid form of self-expression, but mostly by people who don’t have any style.

Music pick of the week:

Robot – Dead to Me – Cuban Ballerina

Stevil – Green River – Dry as a Bone/Rehab Doll

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  1. trabri says

    I first heard “Fire On High” as a pre-teen at Funtown USA, an amusement park in Maine where there was a Scrambler ride inside a big dome like a planetarium. They blasted that song while projecting images of shit like spiders and Skylab on the ceiling. I’ve enjoyed listening to ELO and other loud music since!

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