Paceline Tandem: Yvonne Kraus, Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance

Our guest this week is Yvonne Kraus of Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance. As I’ve mentioned in some previous episodes, I’ve been spending a fair amount of time in the Seattle region and have been riding on some trail networks that have been built and/or maintained by the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance. What really got my attention were my visits to Duthie Hill in the Seattle suburb of Issaquah. From the features of the terrain park to the classes they teach, I could see that Evergreen’s reach was both long and diverse. 

I figured the only reasonable thing to do was to get in touch and learn more about the organization. Which brings me to this week’s guest, Yvonne Kraus. Yvonne is the outgoing executive director for the Evergreeen Mountain Bike Alliance, and so while she is loathe to take credit for anything that happened before her arrival, I was excited to talk to her because I wanted to get an overview of all that the organization does. 

Show link:
Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance

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