Paceline Podcast 353

This week we see the return of John and he takes a hard look at the way bike shops are having to cope with servicing products they may not be experts in. Patrick takes on the question of whether gravel bikes need dropper posts.

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  1. jp.rutledge says

    Hey guys, I just listened to the podcast and love the conversation about droppers. You guys rarely have a rousing debate, but this one almost happened to get you both talking about pros and cons the specs, the question what about suspension forks on gravel bikes. I myself am debating to go for it so I would love to hear your thoughts, thanks for what you do. JP.

    1. Padraig says

      I think we are going to need to take that on.

  2. slugsmasher says

    I like when Robot goes on a real rant about bike trends as he is usually spot on and going in the opposite direction (i.e. back to the roots). Under-biking is a great term describing people who don’t need whatever it is the industry or culture is pushing – having the skills to overcome whatever without the latest cheater tech is a very satisfying way to ride. Unfortunately under-bikers are also known as the retro-grouch anti-tech old guys, so take a hike and get off my lawn you cheaters!!!

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