Paceline Podcast 288

This week John talks about going slow, and mountain biking, and introducing new people to mountain biking. Patrick takes on a listener question about whether to go with suspension or a hardtail when buying a new mountain bike.

CountyLine Extra Large Galvanized Round End Stock Tank, 8 ft. W x 2 ft. H x 8 ft. L, WTR82 at Tractor Supply Co.

Skratch Labs Portables

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  1. JustinMShortBA says

    Hey John, I “rode” the craziest bushwhacking section I’ve ever encountered with our mutual friend Rachel Wills. You can’t see her in the foot of this ride documentary, but if you squint your ears you can hear her. I was definitely watching her dot on Unbound XL!

    1. Emlyn Lewis says

      I love it!!! “We’re basically fire-lining bikes up this cliff like a bunch of Smurfs.” That doc asks the question “when is a course not like a course?” Answer: When there’s no course.

  2. says

    You missed the most important question about the amount of suspension:

    How fast do you want to be going when you crash?

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