Guests: Molly Hurford; Karen Laberee; Walk-Bike-Ohio

Last week, I promised a review of Molly Hurford and Peter Glassford‘s new book, Becoming A Consummate Athlete and, when I promise… I deliver! (well, most of the time) It’s a book you just might want to add to your list of fitness and well being titles, covering a wide range of topics that make a whole lot of sense.
Molly Hurford and Peter Glassford’s new book, Becoming A Consummate Athlete, takes their 20+ years of coaching, riding, running, and writing – lots of writing – and puts much of their expertise and ideas into it covering topics from creating new habits and shedding old ones to getting back on track when you fall off the wagon – so to speak. Today, we chat with Molly.
Then, we learn about, a new online resource for reporting and tracking everything from potholes to collisions and other safety hazards. It’s a crowd sourced tool for global mapping of cycling safety.
When you click on, a beautiful map appears on your screen. On the map is a series of points that have been created by people just like you. Each point will describe a place, a hazard, an incident, or show where a bike has been stolen. And, that data can be viewed, updated, or analyzed. Karen Laberee is the executive director of bike maps.

And, finally we speak with a team of planners from ODOT, our own Ohio Department of Transportation, about the new Walk Bike Ohio master plan – a plan that is promising to make walking and biking in Ohio safer, more convenient, and accessible for everyone.
Over the years, we’ve often spoken with planners, transportation specialists, and advocates around the US and beyond to move the needle for safer and more comprehensive biking and walking.
Today, we’re speaking with folks from Ohio on that same subject – safer and more accessible biking and walking – as a new plan is about to launch.