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If you don’t love bikes, really love them, stop reading now. The things I’m about to say will sound nuts. Know that, in addition to spending 10,000 hours riding bikes, I’ve

I am …

Change your mindset and change your life. Yes, I hear you … enough with the trite sayings. I agree that often these statements are misused, but they also contain truth if

motivation & momentum

Last week I spoke of critical decisions. Actually, I focused on one. My premise is that one decision can have farther reaching impact than you might think. Sometimes

Video – Beer Bicycle

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups boast "two great tastes that taste great together." This video packs a lot more flavor than that. Bikes. Beer. Travel. Friends. Brendan Chou is a

An Obsession With Comfort

My obsession with fit began during an age when the tools for proper fit were still relatively rudimentary. I came to cycling with the good fortune to fit reasonably well on

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