Video – Hangin’ On

I don't know what's in the water in Scotland that produces so many amazing trials riders. Obviously, you've got Danny Macaskill, Ali Clarkson and Ben Travis (I'm leaving more

TCI Friday

One conversation I've had a few times recently, with a few different bike shop owners, is about the lack of differentiation in the road bike market over the last couple

Video – Flowstate

There are a few things I love about this one. First, dude is riding in jeans and a cotton t-shirt. Who even knew you could do such things without synthetic fibers? Second,


The bicycle was born of the urge to fly. Sure. Sure. Working folk couldn't afford a horse. A bicycle was cheaper, took up less room and didn't require a supply of oats, but

TCI Friday – A New Move

The best bike trick of all time is the wheelie. Don't even come at me. Sure, there are a million tricks harder to do, but the wheelie is the OG. It's trick zero. When I was

Video – Biface

There are a few things I love about this one. First, there's no music. It's just the sound of the wind blowing and the buzz of freewheels. Second, the riding has a balletic

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