Imagination Capturing

Someone smart once said to me that self-deprecation and an outsize sense of responsibility were expressions of ego. Just as one who always sees themselves as the best has an

TCI Friday

TCI Friday is a participatory feature. You read and respond. Last week, some friends and I were out on a mixed-terrain ride, a route we call the "Reverse Chapman."

In Rome

In Rome, along the banks of the Tiber, they wear togas and garlands made of laurel on their heads. It's hot there, and sandals are popular. It's a rich culture, there in

Winter Moths

This piece appeared on Red Kite Prayer in 2010. I was reminded of it by a moth clung to the side of the house the other day, and when I found the piece and blew the dust off

TCI Friday

You know how this works. There are questions here. It's best if you answer them, below, in comments. The way I work on my bikes has changed. I don't tune derailleurs much

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