
Emlyn Lewis
Robot fell in love with cycling watching the older neighborhood kids ride wheelies down the street. It was the early '70s, and Evel Knievel was jumping motorcycles over buses. Everything seemed possible. From that moment, the die was cast (iacta alia est).
He studied philosophy in college, of course he did. That's what idealists do, romantics, kids who think there must be a better way. At the same time, bikes were carrying him everywhere, delivering all of life's gifts and surprises. Occasionally he crashed and didn't mind.
When the Wedding Band Stretches Out. This is a show about Steve Albini, who is probably really dead, despite both of us hoping the news of his passing was some elaborate!-->…
TCI Friday
The vast majority of cycling injuries are RUIs, repetitive use injuries, things like IT Band Friction Syndrome, Handlebar Hand, and QL (quadratus lumborum) strain. Most of!-->…
Video – The Off Roadie
Here's a perfect Friday video distraction, one that "takes the piss," if you will. This is not a portrait of gravel or mountain bike riders. It's an examination of "A road!-->…
Paceline Podcast 371
We talk about how the bike industry is upside down and what we expect to happen through the rest of 2024. Patrick tells us how to avoid buying the wrong e-bike, and we round!-->…
Robot’s Useless Reviews – How-To Videos II
Roughly eighteen months ago I published my first Usless ReviewTM of How-To Videos. In re-reading I cringe a little, as I nearly always do when I revisit my work, but also!-->…
Video – 7 Commandments for the Wise Cyclist
I'm posting this the same day I'm posting a Useless Review about how I hate How-To videos, except actually this one really nails it. Every piece of advice here is, in my!-->…
Video – The Bike Commuters
I share a lot of videos here, and a lot of them showcase bike riding at the sharpest point of skill, speed or location. This one is just nice. It's about people riding bikes!-->…
TCI Friday
You're kind of a weirdo, and that makes the whole thing kinda a crapshoot. You board your plane. You eat your airline snack. You watch a movie you'd meaning to see. You land,!-->…
Robot’s Useless Reviews – Bike Jerseys
At some point in the history of humanity, someone thought, "What we need to put on for maximum bike riding enjoyment is like a sausage casing, but with pockets." And thus was!-->…
Your Favorite Bike Company Is Struggling
As a lot of people are aware, things are not well in the velo-verse. The fundamentals (e.g. inventory to cash ratios) have been bad for nearly two full seasons, and while I!-->…