Revolting 128

When the Wedding Band Stretches Out. This is a show about Steve Albini, who is probably really dead, despite both of us hoping the news of his passing was some elaborate

TCI Friday

The vast majority of cycling injuries are RUIs, repetitive use injuries, things like IT Band Friction Syndrome, Handlebar Hand, and QL (quadratus lumborum) strain. Most of

Video – The Off Roadie

Here's a perfect Friday video distraction, one that "takes the piss," if you will. This is not a portrait of gravel or mountain bike riders. It's an examination of "A road

Paceline Podcast 371

We talk about how the bike industry is upside down and what we expect to happen through the rest of 2024. Patrick tells us how to avoid buying the wrong e-bike, and we round

TCI Friday

You're kind of a weirdo, and that makes the whole thing kinda a crapshoot. You board your plane. You eat your airline snack. You watch a movie you'd meaning to see. You land,

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