Hey, Just Ride 66

Deep in the grips of a Wisconsin winter when summer feels an eternity away, the daydreamers emerge from their hibernation and gaze off into space. That trance hits

Hey, Just Ride 65

Life’s mysteries tend to whip my imagination into frenzies, which pretty much can be expected for a writer, dreamer and obsessive optimist like me. Mother Nature’s

Hey, Just Ride 64

Ah, young love. You know what I’m talking about. That phase when you just can’t get enough, and you want more, more, more! Not much can compare to falling in love with

Hey, Just Ride 63

My true belief is that people think too much. We spend too much time with the past or future flooding our brains that we sometimes miss the value of the present. This is

Hey, Just Ride 62

For many years it stood as my inspirational New Year’s Eve tradition once my wife and daughters retired after ringing in a fresh start by banging pots with wooden spoons

Hey, Just Ride 61

The first time I laid eyes on her, she looked stunning, even if it was nothing more than a tiny color photo in a catalogue that everyone handed around at work. Oh, I know

TCI Friday

I can't say for certain where it came from, or when, but somewhere along my amazing journey as a writer and a rider I learned to rely heavily on my gut instincts, my heart

Hey, Just Ride 60

Sometimes in this magical world we discover the most astonishing connections, and if you ride a bike I’m sure you have a story to share of how that inanimate collection of

Hey, Just Ride 59

As I pedal through groves of Hazelnut trees, I don’t think about millions of kids around the world spreading Nutella on their toast each morning. Gliding past rolling

Hey, Just Ride 58

Soaked to the bone, my hands so cold my thumb doesn't have the strength to shift gears, I'm hammering as hard as I can on the descent, desperate to get warm and dry while one

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