In French (LG is a French-Canadian outfit), these are called short intérieur, which translates directly to ‘inner short,’ for those of you not fluent in French like moi. Inner short is probably a better term than ‘liner,’ like ‘lingerie’ sounds better than ‘underpants.’ French is just a nicer language. But for the Troglodytes among us, i.e., those living below the arbitrary line on the map that separates us from Louis Garneau’s Quebecois home, this thing is a liner.
‘Bike diaper’ is an alternative. Just saying. And that’s all I’ll say.
I employ liners quite a bit. I own 5 or 6 of them, and I wear them under mountain bike shorts or under whatever it is that I’m wearing when I run errands (by bike). They’re a useful, versatile way to get that crotch and butt comfort you want from your bike ride without breaking the bank or soiling some pair of high-end bibs. I pull ’em on like a pair of boxer shorts, which is more or less what they are.
Here’s what I can tell you about these liners. They’re good value. They’re comfortable. They breathe well. When they’re on, most of the time, I forget they’re there. Also, for $55, I’ve gotten seven or eight years of wear from mine. I like them for up to about 2 hours of riding. After that I put on something more “serious.” The women’s version is $65, which may be down to the more nuanced cut it offers. I’d say they’re still a good value at that price.
And anyway, what price comfort? Am I right?