TCI Friday – Adventure

The dancing flames of my campfire typically leave me in more of a meditative trance than an antsy-pantsy buzz.

Come morning, I’ll ride down to the base of Paulina Peak and then ride four miles on the gravel road up to 7,984 feet at the summit, starting around 6,300.

I’m taken back a bit as I realize I’m looking forward to my annual assault with unusual vigor.

Maybe it’s my new/old bike that has me wanting. Maybe my primo (in my mind) fitness. Or even just maybe I’ve come to appreciate my life and pause to savor the joy of anticipation.

What I realized most is that given my proclivity to spontaneity, I’m seldom thinking — much less anticipating — what a great day lies ahead when I get out of bed, much less feel the butterflies the night before.

The sun will have risen enough to illuminate the sea of green forest blanketing the hill to the top of the ridge in a few hours.

My coffee will taste a little more earthy. The scent of fir and pine will lift my spirits to a cruising altitude. The morning air will slap my cheeks with its chilly crispness.

Then I roll off to nirvana

What about you?

This week’s question: Do you pine for your adventures to begin?

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