Revolting 137

As Punk as Kettlebells and Scented Candles. When you’re just a pimply-faced teen trying to establish yourself as an iconoclast and quite possibly a voice of your generation, things are pretty simple. You pull on your bondage pants and your Chuck Taylors and show the world who’s boss. Then you get old as shit and you’re still a real motherfucker, but now you like scented candles and two or three times a week you do a kettlebell workout, because everything hurts, and you can’t do anything even vaguely rad unless you’ve stretched first.

Music pick of the week:

Robot – Night Lunch – Table for Two

Stevil – Interpol – Our Love to Admire

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  1. Brad Religion says

    Once upon a time I saw some graffiti in a filthy bathroom at a Sloppy Seconds show. “In a world full of hate, radical love is the punkest thing there is.” That’s kind of how I try to live my life now.

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