Paceline Podcast 318

Riding bikes with another person, especially if that other person is important in your life, isn’t easy. Witness our host John. Speaking of riding with people important to you, Patrick is planning to get back on his tandem and has been considering strategies to make it work well.

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Co-Motion Cycles Periscope Torpedo

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  1. Dan Murphy says

    Ah, the divorce-cycle…..

    A year or two ago, I bought the Gaia app and haven’t regretted it at all. I tried AllTrails and got massively frustrated with it, eventually getting Gaia. Maybe I wasn’t using AllTrails right, but I found Gaia to be a lot better.

    A lot of people tell me they like following me skiing. They like the lines I pick and I think I make them turn more than they would normally turn. That is, I hold my turn just a bit longer and that makes them do the same.

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