Guests: Justin Christopher; Dave Simmons
It’s Our Anniversary. Welcome to our show for September 11, 2021.
Of course the significance of the date is not lost on me and I’m sure not on you either. I have vivid memories of that day twenty years ago and it’s sobering to think about the lives lost and the fear that was burned into our hearts and minds.
Ironically, today is also a day to celebrate for TOC. It was eleven years ago today, my first guest, Ben Serotta, helped to launch the podcast. I’ve learned so much from not only the weekly production of the show but also from the amazing people whom I’ve had the honor to interview.
And, I am grateful and humbled by you – those who faithfully listen to the show, send me messages of encouragement and praise as well as take me to task when you hear something you don’t like. You’ve provided me with great ideas for shows and led me to some of the most interesting people!
So as we launch year #12 let me just say thank you – thank you for everything that you do that supports the sport of cycling – whether you ride to work or compete at the elite level and everything in-between.
Here in the U.S. we know that spring is baseball season and football begins in the fall. We have basketball and hockey and golf and tennis but when September comes around for cyclists, we know that it’s cyclocross season!

And so, I thought we should launch cross season with someone who is totally immersed in it!
With a deep background in the bicycle business, Justin Christopher parlayed his love for cyclocross into a business while still riding and racing.
His company RideCX offers up a lot of product that might not be readily available at your local shop; but, more than that, Justin gives us a thorough understanding of the sport as well as what we can expect to see here in the States for the 2021-2022 Cross season – and, it’s a lot.
Then, we head to Illinois to speak with the Executive Director of Ride Illinois, the organization that promotes cycling, works on legislation, and offers education to riders young and old.
Dave Simmons might be relatively new to the position, but his background in education makes him uniquely suited to all of the many aspects of advocacy that are so important to growing cycling in each state.

One of the “big wins” for Illinois is the passage of HB 270! It takes the burden of expense off local municipalities that might not otherwise have had the means to add critical infrastructure for biking and walking.
And then there are the quizzes you can take at