Critical Decision

Seasons. People speak of ‘loving the changing of the seasons. Hmmm. I am always sad to see the warmth depart and the cold arrive, but it is part of life, so I just accept it. When the weather turns from spectacular to winter there are decisions to make. Yes, cover the outside faucet, buy a new jacket, put up the yard care items and maybe hook up the trainer. Those are not the decisions I am talking about … well, the last one might fit.

That first day of cold (real cold), your body is still accustomed to warmth. It is ‘uncomfortable’ outside. It is not the coldest of days, but the change on the thermometer is enough to make you want to grab that quilt and take a nap instead of finding the winter cycling clothes and venturing outside.  

What do you do? Me? This is a critical decision. Really. For me, this decision is going to impact my entire winter training season.  

If I step up and face the cold and go ride on this ‘first day of cold’ then the rest of the winter season will not be a large barrier. I am not saying the cold will be less in absolute terms, but I will go out and ride with less resistance. If I decide to skip … it will haunt me.  

Sure, that one workout is truly insignificant in the big picture regarding fitness.  But alas, it is very significant in my world of decision and momentum.  Will I Iet the weather intimidate me or not?  Will I give in to short term ‘comfort’ or go ride for long term joy?  Somehow that first big decision of the winter season colors the decisions the rest of the season. It is the start of the Momentum and Motivation I will speak of next week. There is something about that moment, that critical decision that impacts the season. That one decision that starts it rolling … in either  a positive or negative direction. 

Still want more? How shall I describe? Let’s speak of really critical decisions in life. The choice of a spouse. The decision to take a new job. A new city. Those are easy to see as truly life changing decisions. Those decisions alter the course of your life in ways that eliminate other choices and bring you to new places physically and/or mentally. Those literally change and alter life in all ways. That one decision impacted all future decisions and decision options. I am not saying that my choice to ride that first ‘cold’ day is life changing. I am saying that it influences the rest of my season. I am not sure how, but if I wimp out that first day it is more difficult to brave the cold the rest of the season. If I face it that first day, the rest of the season is not so difficult. This is independent of actual weather … this is an internal thing. Motivation and action … are important. Both impact Momentum. How? That will be next week. For now, we are just thinking about that first ‘critical decision’ of the winter season. To ride or not to ride.

How about you? Same? Or, am I the only one? Maybe it is hot weather with you.  Tell me.  

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  1. Wyatt says

    I totally agree that the first cold days are harsher than the deep cold days. That said, skipping them does not tend to sap my momentum. By the new year I’m always ready to get outside on the bike again.

  2. bart says

    I commuted by bike through 15 Minnesota winters. People would ask me how I did it. My response was just keep going each day. Tomorrow is only a little bit colder than today. Adjust layers and learn as you go. Through this process I did discover my “too cold outside today” temps, but it kept me going. I’ve gotten a lot softer since stopping the winter commutes. Now I don’t ride outside when it’s below 40 degrees which kind of shocks me. But, I know how to get back on the winter riding plan if I decide I want to.

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