Click, Click – RACK!

Many years ago, I raced. Those were the days of Italian Steel bikes. The pattern was that periodically (depending on your riding habits and geographical location), you needed to ‘treat the tubes’ on the inside of your bike to keep them from rusting from moisture that gets inside.  

It was winter and I had taken my bike completely apart, treated the tubes and was putting it back together. I had just ’stopped’ racing my road bike so I was not in a big rush. I was still racing and riding my Mountain bike. After all, it was still winter.

Two friends requested I join them for a Duathlon. It would be a run followed by a ride. I am not a runner.  I was young and fit and up for an adventure with friends, so I agreed. As the date (and spring) approached, my bike was not yet together. I was enjoying my Mountain Bike and was in no rush since I had hung up my road racing numbers. I called a friend and borrowed a bike. Not a racer friend – you do not ask that question. A guy that had an OLD bike. His Vista was definitely old…the Shimano derailleurs were a Campagnolo copy. Yes, from an era when Shimano was emulating rather than leading. It had a rack on the back and a kickstand. It was well cared for – mostly. Not a bad bike, but not a racing bike. It would be my backup. 

I stayed up too late the night before the race in order to put my Italian steed together. Almost done, all I had to do was put on the chain and…I had loaned out my chain tool. I could not get the chain on the bike. Yes, days long before quick links. It was the middle of the night. Well, glad I borrowed a bike.  

Now, I am without sleep and only have a loaner bike. The morning will come early as we have a long drive to the town for the event. Whatever…this is for fun.  

Back then the bike area had no stands for your bike in the transition area. Just lay those fancy bikes on the ground on the side of the road. As far as you could see – bikes laying on the side of the road in the ‘transition’ area. Not me. If I am carrying a kickstand I am using it. The only bike standing up was the Vista. Perfect. Easy to find. I wore running shoes, cycling shorts and chose a t-shirt instead of my team jersey. This is not a race for me, it is fun. If you can call running fun.  

The run goes fine. I am not at the front but doing OK. Only the really fast runners are ahead of me. I get on my bike and off I go. Remember, I am bike racer, so I am fit. I am now passing people like mad. It is still a great memory. Visualize this…you are on your super sleek time trail machine. You are wearing an aero helmet, shoe covers, are down on your aero bars, that disc wheel of yours is rumbling…everything.  You hear a clicking noise at a 90-rpm cadence – click, click, click. Oh yes, forgot to tell you that my crank contacts my kickstand every revolution making a slight clicking sound. So that aero dude hears a clicking sound 90 times a minute and then I blast by him just as he notices I am in a sleeveless t-shirt and have a rear rack on an ancient bike. Priceless. What a joy. I passed so many people on the bike portion that I completely lost track. When I looked back at them their face showed a look of puzzlement and frustration mixed with a hint of ‘how dare you.’  

If that were not enough, I roll to the finish line. As I get close, Frank my racer friend is helping with the race and sees me. He runs out screaming and literally sits on my rear rack as I pass the finish line. What is he screaming? ‘If I had known you were here and had a rack, I would have brought you a loaf of bread to put on it.’ Oh my, I wish he had known.  

Memories. They are sweet. I admit that it is sad that I enjoyed the frustrated looks of those I passed. I wanted to say, ”ride the bike more and spend less time working overtime to buy fancy parts.” Or stated more eloquently by the great Eddy Merckx, “Don’t buy upgrades, ride up grades.” Well said Eddy.  

The Vista made that event. For me and for others. If I had been riding my bike it would still have been fun. Riding that Vista with Campy copy components, a rear rack and a kickstand that clicked with each revolution of my cranks…and passing the guys that thought they were time trial kings…as they say – priceless. No, I did not win the entire event, remember this was fun for me…and a runner I am not. There were those participating that were serious – and fast. No, I never did another duathlon but have fond memories of that one.  

Tell me about a memory you have that is ‘off’.  Let’s laugh together.  

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  1. bart says

    I was in Kailua-Kona in for spring break with my family. I was getting antsy and wanted some exercise so I rented one of these and rode it as far up the mountain as I could. I ended up riding this route: and as I got higher on the mountain people would look at me, then look again and seem to express “you’re crazy” or something like that. Each time that happened it made me feel good inside. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, but it was the right thing for me on that morning.

    1. conner burns says

      Sounds like a great adventure. Keep having those and keep smiling. No one will have fun for us – we must do it ourselves.

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