The Gift of Bikes

Last week I mentioned my Welsh grandfather, the dairy farmer. He was a gardener in his later years. That was his real passion, rows of peas and beans, a bed of potatoes, some

Just a Vacuum Cleaner

Issue #2 of Hokem Magazine is out. It's a thing I've been working on with my friend Bob. I mentioned it here before, but with Issue #2 out in the world, I thought I'd

TCI Friday

The song "With a Little Help from My Friends" is a horrible earworm, and I kinda never want to hear it again, even though it expresses one of the great truisms of being a

Paceline Podcast 374

Who do you ride with? Are you a solo artist or a social animal, and how does that evolve over time. Patrick tells us about a jour sans, and how he processes coming up short

On Tootling

There is a paradox at the heart of human consciousness. Our time here is limited, and yet, to enjoy that time we often need to slow down. How does a person cram it all in,

TCI Friday

Nearly every bike you see in a bike shop or on a website has been spec'd by a product manager, a person who takes the frame the company produces and decides what parts should

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