
Because of the nature of my work, I have a lot more flexibility than most of my friends. I can ride in the middle of the day, and certainly during the winter, that's a more

TCI Friday

You know the deal. I ask the questions. You give the answers, like an interrogation, but without the bad cop. As I explained on The Paceline this week, Evel Knievel was

In the Teeth

It was one of those classic, New England, omnidirectional headwinds. We'd screamed down the hill to the main drag, my eyes streaming despite my glasses, and my face contorted

That Place

I couldn't begin to explain to someone who hasn't been there, what is good about that place. It's a benighted place, but a simpler one as well. When you're there, maybe you

How to Get Off the Road

This one's for the roadies. I have friends who are dyed-in-the-wool road cyclists. The last few years have seen the numbers in their group rides dropping, and the media

TCI Friday

You know how TCIF works by now. I pose a question. You opine. Please begin now. In 1995, I think I owned three bikes. I had a stainless-steel road bike, my first "real"

In Sickness and Health

I've ridden on sprained ankles. I rode two full seasons with a screaming case of IT band friction syndrome (ITBFS...which is preferable to IBS). And I've ridden with head and

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