On Tootling

There is a paradox at the heart of human consciousness. Our time here is limited, and yet, to enjoy that time we often need to slow down. How does a person cram it all in,

TCI Friday

Nearly every bike you see in a bike shop or on a website has been spec'd by a product manager, a person who takes the frame the company produces and decides what parts should

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Maybe you just watched Tadej Pogačar win the Giro d'Italia, though 'win' hardly describes what he did over 21 racing stages. Pogačar won 6 stages, including a time trial and

Revolting 129

Emerging Patterns from the Swirling Chaos.  Ain’t it just the case that you reach these points in your life where you think you have some things figured out, you can see the

TCI Friday

We ride bikes for fun. Right? Wait. Is that right? No. We ride our bikes for transportation. Yeah. OK. Can transportation also be fun though? I suppose, if done right. It's

An Uncomfortable Pause

"Oh, AH!" my Welsh grandfather would say, seemingly out of nowhere. This meant 'oh, aye,' or 'oh, yes,' an assent to no proposition, a way to fill empty air, as when the

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