Core Memories

I am just back from Wales, where my father was born, where a small village in a narrow valley contains an awful lot of people with whom I share some large percentage of my

Revolting 138

Caring Carers Who Care. We can all agree that it’s much better to not care than to care, but sometimes you have to, and more specifically, sometimes you have to take care of

Fetishizing Refinement

A flash back: I'm at home. On the couch. The kids are in bed. The wife is watching TV. I'm combing through eBay's endless stupidity for things I don't need and probably won't…

Video – Merckx

Mark Cavendish won his 35th Tour de France stage during this year's event, passing Eddie Merckx as the biggest ever stage winner. There is an odd feeling that in some way,

Aunque la Mona

My fitness is a bird in hand. It twitches and frets and wants to fly free. I hold it, while I can, but I know I have to let it go, to fly or roost, to feed on whatever scraps

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