There are a few things I love about this one. First, there’s no music. It’s just the sound of the wind blowing and the buzz of freewheels. Second, the riding has a balletic quality to it. Third, no one rides bikes like this. I mean, these guys do, and a few others, but flatland BMX isn’t really a thing anymore. But I think it’s beautiful. The work and patience and meditative quality of it. I wish I could do these things. I bet it’s very satisfying.
Robot fell in love with cycling watching the older neighborhood kids ride wheelies down the street. It was the early '70s, and Evel Knievel was jumping motorcycles over buses. Everything seemed possible. From that moment, the die was cast (iacta alia est).
He studied philosophy in college, of course he did. That's what idealists do, romantics, kids who think there must be a better way. At the same time, bikes were carrying him everywhere, delivering all of life's gifts and surprises. Occasionally he crashed and didn't mind.
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While there was no music in the video posted, I couldn’t hear the sound of the wind blowing or the freewheels buzzing over the soundtrack of “Send Me An Angel” flowing through my brain.